Author Topic: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around  (Read 21200 times)

Offline skierpage

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idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« on: July 31, 2007, 01:38:17 pm »
I'd love to watch really talented players on some games.  I know you've had dedicated presentations for Donkey Kong and Crystal Caves, but no doubt really skilled players for many games are at the show.  Maybe if you just made large post-its available so people could write

around 3pm Susan Smith (high score 3,666,000!)
 will play a few games

and put it on the machine.  Or something.  Some way for fans of a game to meet up other than hanging around one machine all day.

My dreams: see someone complete Gravitar, Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom, and the Race Drivin' flight-sim prototype.


Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« Reply #1 on: August 05, 2007, 11:41:31 am »
Nice idea!  The ability to communicate with others like this could lead to some cool things happening.

In addition to scheduling demonstrations or informal meetings, I can imagine people posting messages to the owner like "I have a spare joystick for this rare game, contact me at XXX if interested".  I have gotten messages on my machines like this in the past ... usually a card set on the machine.  Post-it notes would be better.  The only concerns are that the notes be put in places that won't damage the machine (on glass or T-moulding might be best), or obscure the view for the player, or significantly cover up art detracting from the appearance of the machine.  We supply low tack labels to exhibitors so they can put their name on the machine without having to scrape off stickers later (our labels peel right off).  Post-it notes next to these labels is a great idea.

skierpage, want to own the idea?  If you could put together a small sign to explain what to do with the Post-its, we can put them on the registration desk.  I'll get you some raffle tickets or something as compensation.

Offline zfcamaro

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Re: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« Reply #2 on: August 07, 2007, 06:27:52 pm »
That is a FANTASTIC idea.  It would be really cool to see someone blast through TRON or Tut and other difficult games. 
26 games - EDOT,Journey,Mini Robotron

Check it out at: WWW.ZFCAMARO.COM

Offline skierpage

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Re: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« Reply #3 on: July 09, 2009, 03:44:22 pm »
I was away on vacation for CA Extreme 2008, did anyone put my idea into operation?

I won't be able to come to the show until noon on Saturday.
I'll happily refund someone else the $30 cost of a couple of 12-packs of 3x3 ruled canary yellow Post-its (2400 sheets?).

Then a sign at registration?
Wizards!  Your acolytes would love to watch you play a high-scoring game.
If you know when you're going to play a game, make a note on a Post-It.

I think this would be awesome, but there are other ways to promote/announce it.

  • Could have a whiteboard listing each machine, but that's a 400-line whiteboard
  • Could have the announcer say "Wizard Susan Smith is about to rack up a monster high score on Indiana Jones" (at San Jose the announcer was sometimes hard to hear).
  • Could obsessively tweet such things (is post-millenium technology allowed at a golden age show?  :) ).


See you there folks!

Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« Reply #4 on: July 21, 2009, 01:40:43 am »
Yet another very worth while thing we didn't get around to.  The staff is so overloaded I'm afraid so many things like this don't get done, but we all do what we can.  I'll reiterate the suggestion of owning it, and I'll try to remember myself.

Offline sgtbilkothe3rd

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Re: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« Reply #5 on: July 21, 2009, 05:00:21 pm »
Maybe someone on the show team could just place a portable revolving strobe safety light on top of the game during a champion's high score record attempt? "Blue Light Special" (LOL).

The PA system announcements are very hard to hear at times, and post-it notes take a walk or fall off too easily when the humidity changes.

I think I have seen such revolving lights at Fry's Electronics and at road safety shops. This option also leaves the scheduling of such attempts very flexible to the champion player. We all seem to be very busy at the show.

Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: idea: show on the cabinet when the champion will be around
« Reply #6 on: July 29, 2009, 02:39:03 pm »
I suspect the lights would be distracting and lots of people would not be happy.  The post-it should work fine for the few hours it needs to be there, and can have lots of information, and allow people to plan ahead.  Just gotta get 'er done!