General Show Information / 2021 Raffle
« Last post by Ken Chaney on October 10, 2021, 02:18:43 pm »We're pulling together some raffle prizes. We hope you like them! Let us know if you'd like to add something to the raffle 
Hopefully the box 'o goodies from Stern will arrive - always great stuff from them.
We have some signed and framed posters from Steve Thomas (www.stevethomasart.com) who has done some of our recent shirt graphics including this year's design.
I love his "Propaganda Poster" style work, and you can find lots of arcade themed posters on his site, give it a look. You may have seen last year's show where
we had a video of Steve creating a poster based on Moon Patrol - it was a marvel to watch. (We hope to recover and post last year's videos again soon.)
Pinball Pirate has arranged a deal on Pac-Man's Arcade Party and a nifty Namco bar stool. The cabaret machine has a baker's dozen of classic games to enjoy.
Gama Ride (in Tanforan) has sent some cards loaded up with credits, thanks!

Hopefully the box 'o goodies from Stern will arrive - always great stuff from them.
We have some signed and framed posters from Steve Thomas (www.stevethomasart.com) who has done some of our recent shirt graphics including this year's design.
I love his "Propaganda Poster" style work, and you can find lots of arcade themed posters on his site, give it a look. You may have seen last year's show where
we had a video of Steve creating a poster based on Moon Patrol - it was a marvel to watch. (We hope to recover and post last year's videos again soon.)
Pinball Pirate has arranged a deal on Pac-Man's Arcade Party and a nifty Namco bar stool. The cabaret machine has a baker's dozen of classic games to enjoy.
Gama Ride (in Tanforan) has sent some cards loaded up with credits, thanks!