My SF-Rush the Rock will not go past the page you choose your track on, it says "" Waiting for others to join"" which use to go away and go to the next screen, now it will not go past this screen. just started doing this.. Can anyone give me any advice, or have had this problem and know what to do to fix it??? It does count down but when it reaches zero the screen stays on ""choose your track"".....I ran the self diag. it reconizes the hard drive and states its ok I went ahead and bought another hard drive that worked in another game (the monitor went bad) That did not affect the problem.. I dont know what else it could be,-everything I can think of, Ive already replaced or it tested good...
Has anyone had this problem before?? I'm at my wits end,,,I played the game, cut it off when I was done and the next day when I turned it on it started this:: I would greatley appreciate any help or advice thanks...