
The shirt(s) I'd most love to have:

Rudy behind the mask (black shirt)
6 (9.8%)
Rudy behind the mask (other color shirt)
5 (8.2%)
Vector design
35 (57.4%)
Death Race
15 (24.6%)

Total Members Voted: 39

Author Topic: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)  (Read 83423 times)

Offline Ken Chaney

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Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« on: June 23, 2009, 12:54:48 am »
CLARIFICATION:  It looks like we will run all three of these designs (four counting Rudy on a non-black shirt), but your feedback can help us get quantities right so we don't run out of your favorite!  Thanks

Here are some images of the art we are looking to use for the 2009 show shirts.

Bobby Tribble has again come through with a great shirt design celebrating our 13th show!

We're thinking this design works best on a black shirt, but here are some other possibilities:

(click on the pictures to enlarge)

Rich from ThisOldGame.com put together a bunch of great designs as well.  Here are the two we currently have in mind to use:

First, a vector themed design - possibly to be run in fluorescent inks:

UPDATE:  Rich took some action on feedback, here is a revised version!

And one based on Death Race:

UPDATE:  Here is Rich's revision on the D.R. design, with some refinements and a dash of color:

I suspect both of Rich's designs work best on black shirts.

We understand that those looking for a pinball themed shirt may not find these two designs on the top of their list, but the thought is the different styles will appeal to different people.

For all designs, we plan to run the designs large on the back, with our oval logo small on the front.

We will probably also run some of Bobby's design on some other color (ash?) for those who don't want black, and we could probably put the Death Race printed in black on an ash or white shirt.

We can make a few special orders (design printed on the front for people with long hair, XLT size or whatever.)  If you let us know what you need, we'll try.  Mail info@caextreme.org with specific requests, just post here with general feedback.

We are also considering a limited run of premium shirts on black button down work style shirts.

Let us know what you think so we can try to get it as right as possible!
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 02:04:16 pm by Ken Chaney »

Offline Mark Birsching

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector design)
« Reply #1 on: June 26, 2009, 02:48:23 pm »
Hey, I like them all!  Don't know if we can produce all of these, so leave your thoughts on the forum - we would love to hear from you! 


Offline Lite Gorgons

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Very Nice!
« Reply #2 on: June 26, 2009, 07:43:36 pm »
I come for the pins but I am voting for the Vector one and Death Race is my 2nd choice.  If you printed both of those I would probably get both.  Sorry fans, but Rudy bugs.   ;)

It would be nice to incorporate place and date on the Vector and Death Race versions.  You could use that vector font that is used for high scores!  Death Race gets more Bone font or you could use letters inside teeth.  That would be a "tooth font". You know, the director of "The 400 Blows"?


Offline trixxxygirl

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector design)
« Reply #3 on: June 27, 2009, 06:14:43 pm »
We like the the first Vector design.
In blue and with the 13 at the bottom!
That one is bitchin!

Offline agharion

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #4 on: June 28, 2009, 07:04:23 am »
very nice designs!
I just wish you guys could use a lighter cotton for the T-Shirts. The cotton you've used in the past is too thick (for my taste at least). Living in So Cal, I think twice before wearing one of my older CAEx T-shirts when it's sunny...especially the dark color ones.

I wouldn't mind spending an extra few bucks for a 'brushed cotton' version of your T-Shirts.

Yeah, i know...I'm spoiled.

Offline InsaneDavid

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #5 on: June 28, 2009, 07:43:26 am »
Those changes to the Death Race design really make a BIG difference!

Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #6 on: June 28, 2009, 10:20:07 am »
very nice designs!
I just wish you guys could use a lighter cotton for the T-Shirts. The cotton you've used in the past is too thick (for my taste at least). Living in So Cal, I think twice before wearing one of my older CAEx T-shirts when it's sunny...especially the dark color ones.

I wouldn't mind spending an extra few bucks for a 'brushed cotton' version of your T-Shirts.

Yeah, i know...I'm spoiled.

Hmm, we try to go with good quality shirts for comfort and durability.  Wouldn't lighter shirts wear out faster?  I understand the heat issue.  If you can supply the shirt (mail it to the printer in time) we can probably print on whatever you want ... send me an email at info@caextreme.org if you want to pursue that.

Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #7 on: June 28, 2009, 10:22:01 am »
Those changes to the Death Race design really make a BIG difference!

Hopefully that means an improvement?  I like it with or without the red myself.

Offline InsaneDavid

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #8 on: June 28, 2009, 10:34:11 am »
Hopefully that means an improvement? 

Yes, an improvement most definitely!  That'd be my pick.


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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #9 on: June 28, 2009, 10:34:56 am »
I started out not liking the Rudy design but its growing on me..as long as it is not on a black shirt. "It's never game over" says it all. The Vector design is cool, a little plain, but I can see the appeal. Death Race is just awesome. So..yes, I can only afford one shirt purchase, but I'd be torn between which one I would pick if all were available. 

Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: Very Nice!
« Reply #10 on: June 28, 2009, 10:41:18 am »
I come for the pins but I am voting for the Vector one and Death Race is my 2nd choice.  If you printed both of those I would probably get both.  Sorry fans, but Rudy bugs.   ;)

It would be nice to incorporate place and date on the Vector and Death Race versions.  You could use that vector font that is used for high scores!  Death Race gets more Bone font or you could use letters inside teeth.  That would be a "tooth font". You know, the director of "The 400 Blows"?


And trixxxygirl wrote:
We like the the first Vector design.
In blue and with the 13 at the bottom!
That one is bitchin!

Don't get me on my "Rudy is not evil" rant ...

Lot's of us like the character, and this year the "creepy" most people feel about him actually becomes an asset!  I know Funhouse is not universally loved, but there are lots of us who really like it.

I'm glad you like the other designs.  I'm trying to let the artists have as much freedom and control as possible.  In the past, I've had too much to do with some of the designs, so they have tended toward my biases, so I've really tried to back off of formula requirements.  We usually put the place and dates, and I've discussed that with Rich.  It does make it more of a "concert" shirt and less of a graphic shirt to put on text like that, so I'm letting the artist rule more so we can appeal to a wider variety of taste.  He has been monitoring discussion and has done good work thus far incorporating feedback.

Thanks to everyone for all the good advice and feedback!  We'll do our best to strike the balance.

Offline DanAmrich

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #11 on: June 28, 2009, 11:18:14 am »
I gotta say...the past years' shirts have largely not been up my alley (well, one of my designs was used for the 10th year shirts, so I am biased there) but this year I like ALL of the candidates! So I voted my my fave, but I'm down for buying whichever one wins this year. Great job on all the designs.
« Last Edit: June 28, 2009, 11:23:03 am by DanAmrich »
"Arcade Gaming Shrine" by Palette-Swap Ninja -- shot at CAX 2010!


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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #12 on: June 28, 2009, 12:38:40 pm »
I know a lot of you are enamored of the vector design, and I know it's not *just* a pinball show, but..."Submitted...for your consideration":

You only get one shot at your 13th year; with that, I think the vector design could be offered up next year if we have to choose only one.  Death Race 2010 would be similarly better next year.

I think Rudy and the Mask is just BRILLIANT and it just wouldn't work for any other year.  It's a one-time deal, and I think it'd be folly to pass it up in favour of other designs that are potentially more generic as far as CalEx goes.


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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #13 on: June 28, 2009, 08:39:13 pm »
Vector me!

Rudy behind the the mask on the Sand colored shirt would be a nice alternate.

Offline rennocbob

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Re: Show shirt art preview (Updated Vector and D.R. designs)
« Reply #14 on: June 29, 2009, 08:41:53 am »
My daughter suggested glow-in-the-dark ink for the vector design.

Bob C