
Which shirt(s) do you plan to get?

Deco design on black shirt
Deco design on raglan shirt
Sunburst design on raglan shirt
Sunburst design on ash shirt

Author Topic: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)  (Read 52180 times)

Offline Ken Chaney

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2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« on: July 06, 2008, 04:14:38 pm »
Here is a sneak peek at the 2008 T-shirt artwork!

We have two designs this year.  One is a Deco style design from Bobby Tribble, the other features a Sunburst of Characters and comes from Gary Johnson of Backbone (www.backb.com) via Tanio Klyce.  I really want to thank the artists for coming up with these wonderful graphics, and especially for putting up with me throughout the design process!  (Thanks to all of you who helped in this process!)

Here is the Deco design (10 bonus points if you can identify the inspiration for the base graphic!)

This design will be printed large on the back of the shirts, with a smaller logo on the front.

Here is a sample we got made on black shirts, and on a raglan (baseball style) shirt:
(click on the thumbnails to enlarge)

Here is the Sunburst design:

This design will be printed large on the shirt backs, with our traditional oval logo on the front (not pictured).  We plan to make these on raglan (baseball) shirts

as well as on light grey (ash) Beefy Tees.  We plan to print larger than on this sample to show off this beautiful graphic.

(We have a very limited capacity to run some special requirement shirts.  In the past, we have put the main graphic on the front of shirts for long-haired friends, and made an XLT shirt on request.  We don't have much flexibility on the black shirts this year, but the others offer some options if you have special requirements and let us know very soon!)

Offline Jude

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #1 on: July 06, 2008, 06:09:29 pm »
I love the design--a fitting tribute to all the time I spent watching that pinball animation on Sesame Street!

Offline sharksnut

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #2 on: July 06, 2008, 06:34:21 pm »
Voted for Deco on Black...

Please order some (or take pre-orders / reservations for) extended sizes (e.g. 2XLT, 3XL).
Also, please consider POCKET T's with the small front logo wither on the pocket or directly
opposite the pocket.

Offline Brad O.

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #3 on: July 06, 2008, 06:46:46 pm »
hahahahahaha  The deco design is fantastic!

1 2 3 4 5... 6 7 8 9 10.... 11 12!

do dodododododo dodododododo!

Love it!

See you at CAX!

Offline fanofpinball

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #4 on: July 06, 2008, 06:52:08 pm »
My vote goes for the art deco design, nice work. ;)

Offline Steven Hertz

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #5 on: July 06, 2008, 08:17:32 pm »
My vote is for...... BOTH!!! ;D


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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #6 on: July 06, 2008, 08:41:05 pm »
Just to clarify things...we are doing both  :D .  They are both stellar designs!


Offline bpetheram

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #7 on: July 07, 2008, 09:03:50 am »
I'd buy the black shirt with deco design.  I'd be even more interested in that
combo with the main design on the front as I have long hair that would partially
cover the design and also I like to be able to see the design while I'm wearing
the shirt.  But I understand that you can't just do a dozen variations on a shirt
and expect it to be economically feasible.

Offline ToTAN96

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #8 on: July 07, 2008, 09:31:53 am »
Sunburst design is far better because the Deco design does not seem to show ANY or LIMITED PINBALL relationship or connection... I would prefer a design that clearly had a pinball machine on it but that not an option!

Offline raina

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #9 on: July 07, 2008, 09:47:10 am »
I hope there will be ladies sizes in small for the raglan? Pretty please? esp in DECO!


Offline lina70

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #10 on: July 07, 2008, 02:33:17 pm »
Wow, great designs both of them!

I'm going to have to get both.


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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #11 on: July 07, 2008, 04:16:19 pm »
I would have liked to see the sunburst on black but alias no.........
When the river runs red take the dirt road instead......

Offline Ken Chaney

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #12 on: July 08, 2008, 11:51:42 am »
Thanks for all the feedback, I'm glad so many of you have enjoyed the art!
Here are a few responses to questions/comments:

Jude:  10 points.  You, too Brad O.

sharksnut and raina:  We always make S, XXL, and XXXL shirts.  Since it is a digital print, we can get another run made for practical prices if we run out.  The black shirt is unfortunately being subcontracted from our main printer due to technical issues, and the sub has limits on what we can order, so pockets are not really an option on this one.  I'm with you, I like pockets, but in past discussions I've ended up losing that topic to other staff members.  If lots of other people request pockets, maybe I can change that!  If we do run out of the size/design you want at the show, we can make a list and have a post-show run.  (The printer must never find out that I typed that in public ... she has patience, but I don't want to make extra work for her!)

bpetheram:  (and a few others)  I'll TRY to get some of these with the large graphic on the front.  Again, it's a subcontracted job and they apparently are not as flexible in making short run orders, but I'll try.  If you want one, I'll recommend picking it up very early in the show.  Mark is keeping track of some special orders, but he's so overloaded already it would be best to not take chances - get 'em early before they run out!

ToTAN96:  The Deco design is based on an animated pinball machine from Sesame Street back in the day.  It prominently features ThEE Black Knight, Creature, Pinbot and his Bride, and Dr. Dude.  (The Space Invader is arguably a pinball character as well, but I won't press that one.)  The front logo has silhouettes of pinball machines and videos.  We strive to be inclusive at the show and in the shirt designs.

MAMEMAN:  Yeah, me too.  Unfortunately we have to stop somewhere, and printing four principal variations already has the guy who's wife will probably be handing them out doubting our friendship for putting his marriage at risk (JK).  Printing on dark shirts has extra technical problems (colors don't show up unless you put a layer of white ink underneath) and adds cost, and the art would need a lot of reworking to look right on a black shirt (I'm not willing to ask the artists for even more mods after I already pressed their patience with the things we already had them rework!)  This year the shirts will be the most expensive we have ever made, and some even cost us more than we will sell them for.  If you really want one, I can look into cost, but it will need some kind of background color (like a white square behind the whole thing) or a bunch of the graphic won't show up right.  I suspect this will really not end up looking very good, just my opinion.

Thanks again for all the feedback!

Happy gaming,

Offline Mark Birsching

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Re: 2008 T-shirt art (with graphics and poll)
« Reply #13 on: July 25, 2008, 10:56:47 am »
Didn't get a chance to get your t-shirt at the show?  Here's your chance to order (for a limited time only!).

We had 2 designs this year and each design was printed on 2 different t-shirts (see above).

The pricing will be $25 for each t-shirt in sizes S-XL and $30 for each in sizes XXL-XXXL (this pricing includes all shipping and handling).  You can pay through PayPal or you can send in a check, but please e-mail us here to let us know to expect your order.

We need to receive your order by Saturday, August 2nd.  We will ship once we get the t-shirts printed and back from the printers (probably about a week after we stop taking orders).

If you wish to purchase several shirts, please contact us here as we may be able to save you some shipping costs.

More details and how to order can be found on the website (on the home page).