Here is a thread for people who have something to exhibit or share for the 2020 online show.
"Ken and TJ" have a pair of games that have been exhibited at every CA Extreme. They are the first game we bought together: Targ, and the Atari prototype Freeze.
If you are a patron at our LVL Up location in Campbell and need to go inside to use the restroom, say "hi" to them, they're hanging out near there.
If not, you can watch them at and see what gameplay is like and hear the Freeze attract sounds.
Thanks to Dookie for getting that working.

We have a few bumper stickers from the early shows that we're putting up for thank-you's to random Tip Jar contributors.
And Stern Pinball has provided some translights for thank-you's, too.

It's not perfect, but we wanted to let you try it anyway.
We've set up a Capcom Kingpin pinball machine on Surrogate.TV for you to try. It can be found at you can try the Batman 66 and Octoberfest pins they have in Finland which you'll find at
https://www.surrogate.tvWARNING: IT ISN'T PERFECT!!!!!! (6 exclamation marks - really - so don't expect perfection.)
The whole technology is pretty new and there are a lot of inherent lags in the way it is set up, so expect round-trip lag to be on the order of half a second even if you are in California. Adjust your play, there are techniques to manage it, but don't plan on scoring in the billions. Yet, once you adjust a little it is oddly compelling to some of us. Just the notion of playing a real pinball remotely has some appeal.
Also because everything is still rapidly developing, some elements don't work for everyone. On one computer when I play, I get no picture or sound, while on another machine they work fine. Sorry about that to those experiencing "Tommy" mode!
Give it a try if you like. Being in development there are lots of interesting improvements to be made. The team at Surrogate.TV have been great to work with and we (Ken & TJ) really want to express our thanks to them for this opportunity to figure out how to make an older machine work when you can't touch it. If you are interested in helping out (after CAX) you can join their Discord and figure out how to improve things with them.