Author Topic: 2021 Raffle  (Read 9223 times)

Offline Ken Chaney

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2021 Raffle
« on: October 10, 2021, 02:18:43 pm »
We're pulling together some raffle prizes.  We hope you like them!  Let us know if you'd like to add something to the raffle :)

Hopefully the box 'o goodies from Stern will arrive - always great stuff from them.

We have some signed and framed posters from Steve Thomas ( who has done some of our recent shirt graphics including this year's design.
I love his "Propaganda Poster" style work, and you can find lots of arcade themed posters on his site, give it a look.  You may have seen last year's show where
we had a video of Steve creating a poster based on Moon Patrol - it was a marvel to watch.  (We hope to recover and post last year's videos again soon.)

Pinball Pirate has arranged a deal on Pac-Man's Arcade Party and a nifty Namco bar stool.  The cabaret machine has a baker's dozen of classic games to enjoy. 

Gama Ride (in Tanforan) has sent some cards loaded up with credits, thanks!